The question was “What do you do in your spare time”? the real answer is I’m actually trying to decide if I have any. In the hours that I don’t work or are not involved in community events or Council meetings I try to relax with a good book with an Author I love, such as JD Robb or Nora Roberts. Unfortunately I’ve read most of their books so have to wait for a new release to happen. I’m not good at being patient so will generally resort to buying magazines to pass the time.
Monday nights are Rotary, Tuesdays are paperwork nights, Wednesdays are Te Reo Maori class, Thursdays are time for the telly or on the PC working on my next children's book. Fridays could be dinner out with friends. Saturdays I try to get time to clean the car and help with the housework in between doing the shopping. Sunday is normally meeting time with the many community groups I belong to in on-line meetings. On top of that I meet many people in my role as a JP witnessing and signing documents. My greatest joy at the moment is having bought an adult trike for those times I can't be bothered walking everywhere or want to take my elderly dogs for a ride in the fresh air. Having received a small inheritance from my cousin recently I have also bought a wee cabin to use as my outside office. I am so excited at being able to decorate and titivate it to my heart's content.
As a Marriage and Funeral celebrant, I take great pride in being able to work alongside those wishing to plan their special days whether it be for this life or the next. Whilst weddings are wonderful to officiate at, I feel so privileged to work with families to celebrate their loved one's life or to plan the Service with someone who wishes to have input into their ‘going away’ party. Do I regret being busy – absolutely not. I get to enjoy everything I love to do on a daily basis.