Tonight's opening words do not come from a textbook, or a quote or famous authors or humanitarians. Instead they come from all we've learnt and heard over the past year from everyone who has graced these four walls. All of you have spoken about how grateful you are to have "done something or meet someone".
You've had amazing experiences and many laughs. We've all learnt and practised new things, we've all shared new friendships and we can be assured that through Rotary we are yet to meet the friends we do not even know exist. How wonderful is that!
Our combined love of Service above Self has allowed us to help and support many organisations and individuals and through the Grace of God we will continue to do so. Hopefully tonight we will hear the antics of Aunt Gladys who centres us with her 12 month catch ups. Although primarily fictional, she is a constant that we look forward to.
There is however another part of our lives that we all share and that is the loss of those gone before. Those whose names we need to hear, who serve to remind us of our commitment as Rotarians because of all they put in during their time on earth. In respect of their memories, I ask you to stand now as I read the names of those called to Higher Service during the past twelve months.
- Richard Houston - 3rd February 2022
- Dave Wilson - 8th April 2022
- Wim Julicher - 26th October 2022
- John Pudney - 15th November 2022
- Rollo Vowles - 20 November 2022