At Rata Street School last week, Eastern Hutt Rotary was once again present to promote 'Books in Homes' and of course Duffy Books. Those included were Annette Ruck, John Cole, Linda Goss-Wallace and myself.
“Duffy Hero”, Maria Gill, and Rotarians were given the usual very enthusiastic welcome prior to Maria speaking to the full school assembly.
Maria Gill is the writer of many childrens’ non-fiction books and educational resources. A number of her books winning literary awards, including "ANZAC Heroes" - this won the non-fiction Award and the Supreme Book of the Year prize in the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults in 2016.
Maria Gill is the writer of many childrens’ non-fiction books and educational resources. A number of her books winning literary awards, including "ANZAC Heroes" - this won the non-fiction Award and the Supreme Book of the Year prize in the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults in 2016.
She described how she researched and wrote this book and others, namely: The New Zealand Hall of Fame; ANZAC animals of WW1 and WW2; Early Mapping of the Tasman; and Kate Sheppard. Finally Operation Nest Egg, when 10 children were asked to take masks/glove puppets and act out the factual story showing the dangers to young kiwi of animals such as stoats, weasels, rats, possums, cats , dogs etc.
Although a lengthy assembly, the attention of most children did not waiver and they still had plenty of “voice” for the Duffy Books song and the “Thank-you Rotary” chant, before they excitedly returned to their classrooms to receive their 2 books.