Around 300 walkers gathered in the grounds of the Wellington Tenths Trust (supporters of the Walk), many of them students from schools around the Hutt Valley. They completed the recent 3-kms walk from Petone’s Hikoikoi Reserve, to the Petone Wharf.
It was decided to support Youthline (Wellington), this professional organisation with youth working for youth, using and understanding modern communication. A sum of $5,400 was raised, going directly towards their Helpline.

In officially ‘Opening’ the event, Deputy Mayor Tui Lewis indicated her total support for the event calling it a “great initiative”.
Abbey Busch and Daniel Madley from Youthline addressed the very attentive crowd, encouraging them to talk about problems, support each other and seek help when necessary.
It was lovely seeing the purple clothes, purple hair, and purple balloons and the band “Long Shot” were great, giving a true festive atmosphere.

Rotarians have been increasingly concerned about mental health issues affecting young people to-day. Many registering mental health as one of their greatest concerns, with anxiety and depression high amongst the factors affecting their wellbeing.
Many thanks to our sponsors, the Tenths Trust, John Matthews of Ray White Leaders, the band Long Shot, those who made voluntary donations and the walkers who participated.
Special thanks to the Rotary helpers who turned up on the day and worked on the registration desk and marshalling, and thanks to the Wellington Army Cadets who ran the barbeque.
Finally, we cannot overlook the efforts of our Eastern Hutt Rotary’s “Walk for Mental Health” Committee who took on the challenge of starting this initiative and took it through to delivery. They did an amazing job.

It is planned that “Walking for Mental Health” will become an annual event.